There are a bunch of free Web Performance Analysis & Optimization tools that web developers can take advantage of to build blazing fast web pages -
- Page Speed - open source Firebug plugin
- YSlow - Firebug plugin from Yahoo
- AOL Pagetest - appears under the Tools menu in Internet Explorer after installation. Online version of Pagetest also provides Optimization Report.
- Zoompf - this web-based service can detect over 300 possible issues & provide recommendations
- MSFast/MySpace’s Performance Tracker - IE browser plugin from MySpace
- VRTA (Visual Round Trip Analyzer) - Microsoft tool that works along with Netmon
- neXpert - works with Fiddler. Especially useful for pages built with ASP.NET
- Web Page Analyzer - incorporates the latest best practices from the book Website Optimization
- Yottaa - measures performance, provides customized analytics & optimization tips
- Torbit - provides realtime dashboard, shows the loading times your visitors are experiencing right now and spot any performance issues that may be affecting a particular region.
Also see:
HOW TO improve the front-end performance of a website
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