This page on the Browserscope website lets you choose versions of the same or different browsers & see how they stack up in supporting HTML5 features. Click on the "Compare UAs" link on that page, select User Agents you want to compare & then hit the Compare button.
I chose versions 8, 9 & 10 of Internet Explorer to see what's new with respect to HTML5 in IE9 & IE 10
You can copy the table data to Excel & transpose the columns to rows to view the tabular data vertically as a list (in Excel2010, click on Paste dropdown in Ribbon & select Transpose).
So here is the list of HTML5 supported features in IE9 as detected by Browserscope by utilizing Modernizer 2.0.4 -
Comparison of layout engines (HTML5)
HTML5 compatibility across major mobile and tablet browsers
I chose versions 8, 9 & 10 of Internet Explorer to see what's new with respect to HTML5 in IE9 & IE 10
click to enlarge image |
You can copy the table data to Excel & transpose the columns to rows to view the tabular data vertically as a list (in Excel2010, click on Paste dropdown in Ribbon & select Transpose).
So here is the list of HTML5 supported features in IE9 as detected by Browserscope by utilizing Modernizer 2.0.4 -
- audio:m4a
- audio:mp3
- backgroundsize
- borderradius
- boxshadow
- canvas
- canvastext
- csstransforms
- draganddrop
- fontface
- generatedcontent
- geolocation
- hashchange
- hsla
- inlinesvg
- localstorage
- multiplebgs
- opacity
- postmessage
- rgba
- sessionstorage
- smil
- svg
- svgclippaths
- video:h264
- applicationcache
- cssanimations
- csscolumns
- cssgradients
- csstransforms3d
- csstransitions
- history
- indexeddb
- input:autofocus
- input:list
- input:max
- input:min
- input:multiple
- input:pattern
- input:placeholder
- input:required
- input:step
- inputtypes:email
- inputtypes:number
- inputtypes:range
- inputtypes:search
- inputtypes:tel
- inputtypes:url
- textshadow
- websockets
- webworkers
Comparison of layout engines (HTML5)
HTML5 compatibility across major mobile and tablet browsers
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