The popularity of the Q & A site, StackOverflow (and the related Stack Exchange family of sites) is such that product companies appear to be using it as a platform for tech support rather than set up a dedicated forum.
This post in the Google Code blog announces that Google engineers will monitor StackOverflow and answer questions on Google Drive SDK posted with the tag google-drive-sdk.
Among others, I've seen team members of products like ASP.NET, Windows 8, Facebook, Gmail, Google Reader contributing answers. Here's a list of such team members (in topics I follow) that I've found so far -
- Scott Hanselman
- Larry Osterman
- Pavel Minaev (Visual Studio)
- Doris Chen (Evangelist)
- Jared Par
- Eric Lippert
- James McNellis
- Mihai Parparita (Formerly the Google Reader frontend tech lead, currently the Chrome Apps tech lead)
- John Mueller (Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google Switzerland)
work in progress...
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